Top Reasons to Hire a Family Law Attorney with Immigration Issues Experience
Many people think that family law and immigration law are two separate entities. However, there are a number of situations where family law and immigration law intersect. If you are involved in one of these types of situations, it is important to hire a family law attorney who also has experience and training in legal immigration issues. Having an attorney represent you is one of the best ways to increase the likelihood of a good outcome.
Some of the top reasons to hire an immigration attorney include:
Permanent Residency Through Marriage
Getting married is typically a joyous event, but if you or your new spouse are citizens of another country but plan to live in the U.S. it can be stressful. When one spouse is a U.S. citizen and the other one is not, it is possible for the non-citizen spouse to qualify for permanent residency. However, gaining permanent residency is not a simple or easy process. A family law attorney who understands immigration issues will be able to present the necessary evidence that shows that your marriage is valid and can also help with the legal paperwork required to apply for permanent residency after marrying a U.S. citizen.
Custody Issues
Most couples who share children don't want to go through a divorce, but divorces are very common. Custody issues are complicated enough between two U.S. citizens, but they can become even more complex if you are divorcing and your ex-spouse wants to take your children to his or her country of citizenship to live. In this type of situation, it is important to hire a family law attorney as soon as possible to ensure that a fair and legal custody arrangement is made.
International Adoption
Many couples choose to grow their family through adoption. While domestic adoption is an option for some, others choose to pursue international adoption. While there are many benefits to international adoption, there is also a lot of paperwork and legal documents that need to be submitted. If you are planning an international adoption, working with a local family law attorney is one of your best options. In addition to assisting you with the adoption itself, your attorney can also help with ensuring that the proper forms are filed to ensure that your child is a U.S. citizen, as well as obtaining a birth certificate and Social Security card for your new son or daughter