Do You Have A Disability? You May Be Able To Receive Social Security Benefits
If you have a disability that prevents you from working, this can be detrimental for you and your family. To help with this, you may be able to receive Social Security benefits, which means you will get a monthly check from the Social Security office. Below is more information about what is considered a disability, as well as tips on being approved for Social Security.
What Is Considered A Disability
You are considered to be disabled if you suffer from a medical condition or a psychological problem that prevents you from working for a certain amount of time. This is generally one year, but you should check with your local Social Security office to learn of the exact time you must be out of work before you can receive benefits.
There are also rules that you can only make a certain amount of money each month. If you earn more than this amount from a job, you would not be approved for Social Security benefits.
Visit the Social Security Office
The first thing you should do is to visit with someone at your local Social Security office. They can give you the proper forms to fill out. They can also answer any questions you may have about getting approved for benefits.
Once you fill out the paperwork, return to the Social Security office and turn everything in. The person helping you may go over the paperwork with you to determine if everything is filled out correctly, but this is not always the case.
Hire a Social Security Disability Lawyer
If you are not approved for benefits or you just want help, hire a Social Security disability lawyer. This lawyer can determine the exact reasons why you were not approved for benefits. Once the lawyer learns this, they can build a case for you to try to get you approved.
In order to get approved after disapproval, you will have to go through an appeals process. This is something you should not do alone, because not knowing how everything works could hurt your case. Instead, a Social Security disability lawyer can walk you through the appeal.
Before the appeal, the lawyer will gather all information that is needed in order to get your case approved. Most of this information will come from doctors who are currently treating you or have treated you in the past.
You will have a much higher chance of getting approved a second time if you have a lawyer on your side. Make an appointment with this type of lawyer in your area to learn more about how they can help you.